Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Scawby Hall, Lincolnshire

Scawby Hall

Scawby Hall

Scawby Hall was the home of the Nelthorpes; their crest, a dagger motif, can be found in various places, including on the rain water heads. The house was started in 1603; there have been many additions and extensions, including the crenellation and re-fenestration of the late 18th century. The chimney stacks and steeply pitched and gabled roof are dominating features. The house was originally thatched, then tiled and finally slated. Pevsner describes the house as having �a rambling appearance�. The south front is the most impressive: early 18th century with a late Georgian face-lift. A detailed guide to the house gives the history of the family and takes the visitor on a tour of the various rooms; it includes an essay on George Stubbs the painter, associated with the house (several of his paintings can be seen). There are two fine early 18th century oak staircases, with alternating barley-sugar and turned balusters. Outside, a large mid Victorian walled garden; the parkland and woods (with lakes and mature trees) extend to 200 acres; landscaping was 1790 -1, by William Eames. In the village are 18th and 19th century estate cottages, those of the 19th century echoing the Hall�s chimney stacks. The school and church (except the medieval tower) are 19th century.

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