Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Birthday of Sir Jeffry Wyattville

Sir Jeffry Wyattville

Sir Jeffry Wyattville

Sunday, 3rd August 1766

Jeffry Wyatt (who later changed his surname to Wyattville) was born this day in 1766, exactly twenty years after his uncle James Wyatt who trained him as a architect.

In 1824 he began a programme of remodelling Windsor Castle for George IV. Parliament had voted a budget of £300,000 for the project: the final cost was over a million pounds (about £93 million in 2013 prices).

Belton House, Lincolnshire

Belton House

Belton House, the seat of Lord Brownlow, was once attributed to Sir Christopher Wren, but is more likely to have been by William Winde. It was begun in 1685, and is in form a �double pile�, the principal rooms arranged in suites back to back, with projecting end bays, a hipped roof and a cupola. Sir John Betjeman thought ... (read more...)

Browsholme Hall, Lancashire

Browsholme Hall

Browsholme owes much of its architectural character to the antiquarian interests of Thomas Lister Parker who remodelled the 17th century �H� plan house in the early 19th century and rebuilt the west wing to the designs of Jeffry Wyatt (later Wyatville) in 1805, having previously furnished the hall with �armour and other curious things� and filled the staircase window ... (read more...)

Tatton Park, Cheshire

Tatton Park

The Egertons of Tatton were a junior branch of the family descended from Sir Thomas Egerton, Privy Counsellor to Elizabeth I. Their first recorded house at Tatton was built for John Egerton and completed by 1716. The long straight avenue from Knutsford may also be of this date. In about 1760 Samuel Egerton planned flanking wings but only that ... (read more...)

Wollaton Hall, Nottinghamshire

Wollaton Hall

Built between 1580 and 1588 for Sir Francis Willoughby, Wollaton Hall is a fine example of an Elizabethan 'Prodigy House'. The architect was Robert Smythson, who also designed Hardwick Hall and Longleat. Apart from the great hall, most of the original interiors were remodelled by Sir Jeffrey Wyattville in 1801. Sir Thomas Willoughby was created 1st Baron Middleton in ... (read more...)

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