Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Browsholme Hall, Lancashire

Browsholme Hall

Browsholme Hall

Browsholme owes much of its architectural character to the antiquarian interests of Thomas Lister Parker who remodelled the 17th century �H� plan house in the early 19th century and rebuilt the west wing to the designs of Jeffry Wyatt (later Wyatville) in 1805, having previously furnished the hall with �armour and other curious things� and filled the staircase window with a collage of medieval glass fragments from Whalley Abbey. The Regency wing contains Wyatt�s fine Drawing and Dining Rooms hung with Parker�s Old Masters and contemporary English pictures.

Col. John Parker (1857-1938) also developed a keen antiquarian interest and introduced further Jacobean furnishings for some of the bedrooms using fragments of original woodwork, to extremely convincing effect.

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