Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Visit to Belton House

Belton House

Belton House in 2014

Belton House in 2014

Tuesday, 15th April 2014

The weather for our visit to Belton House on Saturday was clear and eventually sunny. The house is fine example of a late seventeenth century H-plan, compactly planned and well detailed. The highlight of the interior is probably the main staircase, presided over by Lord Leighton's charming full length portrait of Lady Brownlow.

The grounds include both formal and informal landscapes and link with the Parish Church which contains a plethora of tombs of the Brownlow and Cust families.

Belton House, Lincolnshire

Belton House

Belton House, the seat of Lord Brownlow, was once attributed to Sir Christopher Wren, but is more likely to have been by William Winde. It was begun in 1685, and is in form a �double pile�, the principal rooms arranged in suites back to back, with projecting end bays, a hipped roof and a cupola. Sir John Betjeman thought ... (read more...)

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