Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Newstead Abbey

Newstead Abbey

Newstead Abbey

Sunday, 17th July 2011

Despite poor weather the visit to Newstead Abbey proved a great success. Our guides gave a fascinating tour of the interior, highlights of which included The Sixth Lord Byron's bed and a replica of the infamous skull cup. The interiors contained elements from all periods from the mediaeval to the Victorian. Of particular relevance to the Society were the early nineteenth century rooms in the Georgian Gothick style created by Thomas Wildman. The heavy rain slackened for long enough for us to enjoy the gardens in the afternoon. Features included a Japanese garden, rose garden and a "Spanish" knot garden.

Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire

Newstead Abbey

The Abbey was founded as an Augustinian priory in the late 12th century. The iconic West Front of the late 13th century church survives. Inside the house the medieval cloisters, Chapter House (now the Chapel) and a collection of medieval stone carvings and manuscripts evoke the Abbey's early history. In 1539 custody of the house was handed over to ... (read more...)

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