Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Visit to Allerton Castle

Allerton Castle

Allerton Castle

Allerton Castle in 2014.

Tuesday, 19th August 2014

Out visit to Allerton Castle somehow contrived to dodge the heavy showers which have swept the county today. The first sign of the house was the �Temple of Victory� in Memory of the �Grand Old� Duke of York, brother of George IV, which is visible from the A1(M). We arrived slightly ahead of schedule and were split into two groups for tours of the ground floor. We had an excellent light lunch of sandwiches, cake a scones in the Ballroom followed by a tour of the first floor. The house is largely Victorian; though some portions of the Georgian House, including the Catholic Chapel (currently being restored), do survive. Stylistically the house owes more to the late phase of Georgian Gothick, as seen at William Wilkins� Dalmeny House than it does to High Victorian Gothic Revival. In form, with its 70� tall central hall, it is closer to Elizabethan �Prodigy Houses�, like Wollaton Hall, than to any mediaeval castle. The house has been restored by Dr Rolph over many years. The restoration of the Dining room, which was destroyed by fire in 2006, by Chinese and local craftsmen is particularly impressive.

You can see some photographs from our visit here:

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