Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

The Prince's Regeneration Trust brings fantastic learning opportunity to heritage regeneration groups in Yorkshire and beyond



Tuesday, 6th May 2014

The Prince's Regeneration Trust is excited to be holding the first of its BRICK (Building Resources, Investment and Community Knowledge) workshops on 8 May at the Milton Rooms in Malton, North Yorkshire. Through these workshops The Prince's Regeneration Trust intends to equip and empower community groups looking to run their own projects to regenerate locally important buildings.

The BRICK workshops will offer training, advice and networking and are being held approximately once a month around the UK over the next three years. They will cover a diverse range of topics, from business planning to online fundraising.

The first workshop on 8 May will cover:

- how to maximise commercial gain from heritage projects through franchises, leasing and rentals

- working in partnership with the private sector

- fundraising through community shares.

Speakers include representatives from the Ethical Property Foundation, Hugh Rolo from Locality, Chris Brown from Igloo and Jess Steele from Jericho Road Solutions. The event will feature interactive sessions and surgeries with the speakers andwith BRICK mediators (experienced heritage regeneration specialists).

There will also be presentations from two community-led regeneration projects in the region � Grimsby Ice Factory and Portland Works in Sheffield. In the afternoon there will be a tour of the Milton Rooms venue (a regeneration project run by the Milton Rooms Charitable Trust and supported by The Prince�s Regeneration Trust). Videos of the sessions will later be available online so as many people as possible can benefit from the talks and discussions.

Places on the workshop can be booked by contacting The Prince's Regeneration Trust at

Ros Kerslake, Chief Executive of The Prince�s Regeneration Trust, who will be chairing the day, says, �The start of our BRICK workshops is a momentous occasion for us. For years we have had the ambition to share the expertise of The Prince�s Regeneration Trust staff, partners and contacts on a wider scale. BRICK is a way for us to achieve this and to support community groups who have the passion to save their local heritage but have limited resources and experience.

�When attendees leave these workshops they will have answers to some key questions for their projects and will be more aware of the help and tools available to them. They will also have made new contacts with peers and professionals. It is wonderful that many of our partners are working with us in this, including Igloo, the Ethical Property Foundation, Locality and Jericho Road Solutions. I am delighted we are delivering these BRICK workshops as I know they will have a significant impact on many projects around the UK. Our ultimate aim is to help groups meet the needs of the large number of redundant buildings in the UK that have the potential to provide fantastic local facilities.�

The Prince�s Regeneration Trust�s BRICK programme, including these workshops, has been made possible with a £421,500 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Catalyst Umbrella grant. Other initiatives include a mediation pilot in the programme�s first year, led by partner Locality, which will help unlock heritage projects where communities are working with private sector development partners. There will also be a major London conference in the autumn and BRICKwork, a digital platform where people involved in projects can communicate with each other and garner support.

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