Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Visit to Newby Hall and Gardens

Newby Hall from the double border.

Newby Hall from the double border.

Saturday, 20th July 2013

Whilst it stayed warm there was disappointingly little sunshine during today's visit. The GSEY members coach arrived at 11am, just as the gardens opened to the public. The famous double boarders looked, and smelled, fantastic. Photos of the garden and the modern sculpture trail can be seen here: Members toured the house in two groups in the afternoon. Although the main block was designed by Christopher Wren, most of the interiors were remodelled by later generations and it is Robert Adam whose work is most in evidence.

Newby Hall, North Yorkshire

Newby Hall from the double border.

The home of Richard and Lucinda Compton, Newby Hall is one of England�s renowned Adam houses. In the 1760s William Weddell, an ancestor, commissioned Robert Adam to alter the original Wren design to house his collection of Ancient Roman sculpture and Gobelins tapestries. Thomas Chippendale was commissioned to make the furniture. �The result is a perfect example of the ... (read more...)

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