Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Visit to York

York Minster from the Walls

York Minster from the Walls

Sunday, 10th March 2013

Rain and sleet made conditions less than ideal for those venturing up the scaffolding on the east front of York Minster. Despite the freezing conditions the trip was worthwhile as it offered a chance to to inspect the newly installed figures representing mediaeval diseases installed on the south east pinnacle. The carving is remarkably finely executed and much of the detail will be near impossible to read from the ground. Among the new grotesques were ones representing Edward the Black Prince, who died of dysentery, and a plague doctor.

In the afternoon the York Georgian Society�s annual talk was delivered by Professor Tom Williamson. In advance of the tercentenary of Lancelot �Capability� Brown, Prof. Williamson examined the broader context of the landscape architect�s work. In particular he noted that the mature landscapes of native trees, with which Brown is now associated, do not represent the original planting schemes which often included short lived conifers and flowering shrubs. The role of the park as a source of food was also examined.

Photographs taken from the scaffolding can be seen by following the link below:

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