Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

An Important Announcement

Georgian Society Visits

Georgian Society Visits

Members of the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire at Escrick Hall in 2018.

Tuesday, 17th March 2020

The annual programme of visits has been an important part of the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire’s activities for many years. After some consideration the committee has decided, in the light of Government guidance regarding the COVID-19 virus, that it is prudent to suspend all visits and social gatherings until the end of the year.

This includes the tour of Beverley Minster which was scheduled for the 23rd of March. We are sorry for the disappointment that this will cause many of you, but we plan to resume business as usual from the next AGM in February 2021.

The society shall be continuing its important work of commenting on Listed Building Applications and encouraging the preservation of the county’s Georgian architecture.

We are sorry we won't be meeting in person over the year, but we plan to keep in touch via an enhanced use of our website - so please look at it regularly.

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