Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Triple 80th Celebration at Sledmere House

Professor John Wilton-Ely

Professor John Wilton-Ely

Professor John Wilton-Ely, on the occasion of his 80th birthday at Sledmere House.

Thursday, 16th November 2017

Today saw a triple 80th celebration at Sledmere House: the 80th anniversaries of the foundation of the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire and the Georgian Group as well as the 80th birthday of Professor John Wilton-Ely. Members from both societies attended a day of events in the glorious setting of one of the county's most beautiful houses.

After coffee, Professor Wilton-Ely gave an illustrated talk about his career as an art historian. Lunch was served in the Dining Room during which the professor was made an honorary member of the Georgian Group.

Later the guests chose to tour the house or its grounds. Dr David Neave led a group around the neighbouring church and the Architect Digby Harris explained his reconstruction of Soane's Fairford Park Orangery which is now situated in the grounds.

The weather was cold but sunny and, as dusk fell, it was agreed that the day had been a great success.

Sledmere House, East Yorkshire

Sledmere House

The original Sledmere house of 1751 forms the core of the more substantial house of the created in the 1790s. The neoclassical design by Samuel Wyatt and Sir Christopher Sykes, 2nd Baronet, is characterised by the repeated use of an unusual motif of arched recesses framing tripartite windows. After the house was badly damaged by a fire in 1911, ... (read more...)

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