Retailing in Georgian Hull 1770 to 1810
A period of great commercial expansion in Hull during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries coincided with a series of changes in national retailing — from the most luxurious shops to the humblest market stall. New technologies were developed to produce a range of highly fashionable consumer goods including cotton fabrics, metal wares and pottery. Many shops were rebuilt or refronted with large display windows, and market places were modernized in towns throughout the country. This book traces the development of retailing at all levels in Hull during this significant period when greater opportunities for shopkeepers led to intense competition and the increased use of advertising and lavish displays. It throws light on some of the forgotten Hull retailers of the period, outlining their social status and varying degrees of success. In addition, it reveals the enormous range of foodstuffs, drink, textiles, household goods and luxury items which came into the town by land and water at this time, and describes the various consumer groups who bought them.
Published by Oblong 2005
ISBN 0953657485
Internet Price £9.50, free post and packing.
Price: £9.50+P&P. In stock.