76th Annual General Meeting

Monday, 8th November 2021

Due to the pandemic our 76th AGM was delayed until the 6th of November 2021. It was held at Kingston Wesley Methodist Church, on Holderness Road Hull.

The usual review of the year video was replaced with a half hour retrospective of the last decade of visits arranged thematically.

The AGM itself saw the election of two new members, Dr Susan Neave as Minutes Secretary and Mr John Scotney. It was also resolved that the next AGM shall not be held until early 2023.

The guest speaker was Mrs Alison Larkin, who despite styling herself as an “amateur”, gave a highly knowledgeable account to the changes in fashion through the Georgian period. She brought with her a number of examples of her own work as an embroidery including a replica of a waistcoat Captain Cook’s wife had been making for him at the time of his last voyage.

We were also joined by several members of the Hull Regency Dancers, including our own Olwyn Hirst, who attended in Regency costume.

The event was concluded with tea and scones.