Membership is open to anyone interested in the Georgian period. There are separate rates available for individuals and joint members.
The Society’s activities for members include visits to buildings and sites of interest, both locally and in other parts of the country. Occasional lectures are held in Hull and East Yorkshire. Other events such as a concert of Georgian music, and recently a Georgian Day at Beverley Guildhall, are organised for members and the general public. The society produces an annual journal, Georgian East Yorkshire issued free to members and other occasional publications.
Current annual subscriptions are:
Individual Member £15
Joint Members £25 (Two or more members living at the same address with single mailing and one journal)
To become a member, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. The data, supplied by you to us, is held on a secure data base and is used by the officers of the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire only for the legitimate purpose of administering the charity.
The data is needed primarily to:
– send you details of the Society’s activities
– invite you to the Annual General Meeting
– inform you of the need to renew your membership
– administer outings and events
– send you copies of the Society’s occasional publications
– apply for Gift Aid
Your membership data will be held for a minimum of six years after your subscription expires or after your demise if you are a life member. Additional data relating to outings and events is deleted at the end of the calendar year in which the event takes place.
We do not sell or pass on any of the data you supply to us.