Saturday 26th March 2022
The tours of Beverley Minster went well with a number of people from outside the society taking up vacant places. Our day started with a tour of the floor of the Minster led by John Phillips who has studied the building in great detail. Robert Poyser played a piece on the organ which was included on the barrel of the original Beverley minster carillon, installed in the 1790s. We inspected the gates which are one of the few pieces of Nicholas Hawksmoor’s work left intact, as well as the font cover and the magnificent west doors carved by Thornton.
The second stage of the tour took us into the roof space, again with Mr Phillips.
After lunch, the final part of the tour was to climb the west towers with Tower Captain Mike Robson. We inspected the ringing chambers, which display several centuries of graffiti, as well as the clock mechanism with its chimes and the bells themselves.